Printing And Publishing Tenders

IrelandTenders provides latest updates on tenders from Printing And Publishing. The information is collected from various sources like: Purchaser's websites, News papers and other Ireland Government Tenders sites.Subscriber can view and download unlimited number of public tenders, published by various agencies of Ireland Government in Printing And Publishing Sector.

23/024 - Procurement Advisory Services

IET Ref No.:  81958493

Deadline:  19 Apr 2033

Dps Qualification for Flexible Endoscopes

IET Ref No.:  81819271

Deadline:  11 May 2028

Dps Qualification for Flexible Endoscopes

IET Ref No.:  81726458

Deadline:  01 May 2028

Panel to Deliver Digital Start and Green for Micro Programmes

IET Ref No.:  81319256

Deadline:  30 Apr 2026

Timber Survey & Cutting Qualification System

IET Ref No.:  80919980

Deadline:  24 Apr 2028

23/020 - Seamless (Smls) Pipe Qualification System

IET Ref No.:  80196062

Deadline:  10 Mar 2033

Hse 21093 Dps Invitation for Supply of Infusion Consumables

IET Ref No.:  80119006

Deadline:  10 Apr 2028

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